Sunday, April 4, 2021

PRD-Product Requirements Document


PRD (Product requirements document)

People buy and read many books per year which are hardcopies. After reading it is of no use as they are laid down in their shelves for life until someone uses them and it goes on.

What if we can create a platform for all the already read books by owner to put it in our platform which can be used by other customers on renting it

After booking the book, the owner has to drop it in the deposit centres showing the booking id and customer who wants to read them must be done in specific time period, so that when they are done it will be returned to next customer or owner by himself.


We can create a 'SPACE' for the book transactions like these under someone in their homes or nearby deposit centres once the order is placed. So that who have placed the order has to come an pickup in their time line stated while booking.

Depositors has to verify the quality of the book whever they receive it.

Every book must be verified about the quality and who is the publisher of the book in which we should have the barcode scanner for it to verify. So that the mafia who are making copies of original books can be identified and not added to the booking list.


1.We can donate 1Rupee for every book customer reads and we can display how much rupees that he/she indirectly donated.

2.Each book can have different prices depending upon the release date ofit and popularity in market or marketing of it.


Registration costs: 200

while booking we can reduce some x% rupees on their total purchase value.




It can be adaptable every where all around the world.




Make all the books available in market to all the customers including people who are not be able to afford it.

Increase the percentage of people who are book readers. With this platform we can set goals or create a interest in them that they have to read this many books to get something that they can be excited about.


On achieving enough recognition this company can provide support to authors




One thing is we need to act fast and smart in development of it and customer service too.


Private domains:

Colleges (Intermediate, Btech, Degree, PG,....)

IT companies--campuses (Area wise)












Why should this product exist? What are the business reasons and objectives for?

putting out this product?


People buy and read many books all the time. After reading them, they are of no use as they are laid down

in their shelves until someone uses them and it goes on again.


What if we can create a platform for all the already read books by owner to put it in our platform which can be used by other

customers on renting it and returning once they are done.


Main objective is crowdsourcing the resources available and making use of it the most.

resources are textbooks, novels, materials.



List the project team members and their roles



Who are you designing for? What will they do with the product? When will they use

the product? How will they access the product?


Who? Students from colleges, working IT employees, who wants to earn after reading their favourite books.

What? This platform allows individuals to search which books are available in his respected college or MNC campus or his current location.

      Typically he/she can rent a book and returns to its owner after reading.

When? Mostly when their favourite book released and read by some other person and updates in our portal for rentals.




What are the main user needs our product must address? How will the product

address these issues?


Need1: Find favourite book in nearby location

Resolution: The product allows address based search for the existing books or preferred books in specified location.


Need2:To make books available for rent to other readers who are interested in their locality.

Resolution: Core feature of the product is the renting a book model .


Need3: To purchase that book if you really liked  it

Resolution: He/She can purchase that book permenantly after renting it.



Describe the key functions that users will be able to perform. These core tasks must

focus on functionality and should not hint at design elements. This section should

include a link to the detailed user story backlog as a reference.


User can:

Search for a book and his location

Search for book in specified external location or in which location that particular book exists.

Upload his/her book and its available for rent and their location too.

See each book count available in user's location.

See the total number of books available in their location.

Rent a book with given specified date of return.

view his/her activity of participation in reading in their profile

View how much money he earned while giving renting books alone.

view how much money he spent for reading books.

view their reading ability and will provide steps to improve reading skills for free of cost.



List your core competitors along with a short description of about how they position

themselves in the market. State whether their product is available via web, an app or


Book Publishing houses

Second hand book sellers

Pirated copy sellers



List and link to any existing documentation connected to the project. You can also

include documents that are still pending creation.


Technical Overview

Technical Architecture

Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Health Information Policy



If you’re creating a paid product, explain how the market positioning  in terms of

pricing. Will it be low, medium, or high-end?

If approximate prices are already available, include that information. In many cases

the pricing becomes clear as the project progresses. The product manager should

indicate that pricing is TO BE DETERMINED and follow-up with the appropriate

decision-makers so that the information is added to this document as soon as it’s






List any dependencies that might affect this project.

For example, are there sufficient development and UX design resources? Are there

team members with a planned absence during the duration of the project (e.g.

planned maternity leave)? Explain the contingency plan for accommodating the

absence. Does the release of this product depend on hiring additional staff or on the

release of another product?



Indicate the expected release date for the product. If there are any business

dependencies (e.g. must be ready in time for a big trade show) include that

information here. Information in this section may have to be verified by or updated by

the Product Officer or Product VP depending on organizational structure.



Provide a summary of the anticipated marketing plan for this product. If there isn’t

enough visibility at the start of the project into the planned marketing tactics, leave

this section empty and mark it as to be TO BE DEFINED. The Product Manager

should update this section once more information is available or follow-up with

Marketing and Brand team(s) to ensure that they update this section accordingly.

To be determined for now.





















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 Rentor: 1. To make use of unused books in your shelf. 2. to create monetary value. 3. To connect, share and communicate and create interper...